Salesforce Sales Cloud

Sales Cloud, what is it in Salesforce?

What is Salesforce Sales Cloud?

Sales Cloud is the ultimate solution for managing the entire sales cycle of your company, from the moment a lead enters your CRM, whether through form submission, social media, events… until the sale is closed, going through all the intermediate points. If this were all, it wouldn’t differ much from other well-known CRMs, which is why Salesforce adds more functionalities to Sales Cloud, making it number 1.


Connection with all departments thanks to Salesforce’s Customer 360.

Thanks to Customer 360, we can connect the various departments of a company, be it marketing, customer service, post-sales service… This allows for a better understanding of the customer’s lifecycle and provides more information about each contact.


Dashboards and dynamic reports.

This allows you to view and interact with graphs in real time, and have unique reports for each Salesforce user, providing much more personalized information.


Einstein for sales.

Salesforce Einstein is an integrated artificial intelligence (AI) suite within Salesforce, designed to facilitate the work of all users. Specifically, Einstein for sales offers a multitude of advantages that improve performance and efficiency:

  1. Sales forecasting: Uses historical data to predict future sales, helping teams to better manage their goals.
  2. Intelligent recommendations: Provides suggestions on the next actions to take with customers, based on data analysis.
  3. Process automation: It automates routine tasks such as data entry, freeing up sales representatives to focus on more strategic activities.
  4. Emotion Analysis: Analyzes communications with customers to better understand their needs and emotions.


    Sales Cloud, the best option for your sales team if you want to grow and improve your performance.

    After seeing all that Sales Cloud includes, it’s clear that Salesforce is the most comprehensive CRM, not just because of Sales Cloud, but also thanks to Customer 360 and the rest of the clouds, such as Marketing Cloud, Service Cloud, Commerce Cloud…

    If you want to switch to Salesforce, but you find it difficult, the solution is Heroforge. We set up everything from scratch, providing you the best services before, during, and after, to help you become an expert too.



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